

Tania is from the highland town of Cajabamba, Peru. She was born on August 15, 1984 and attended school until 3rd grade. She has 3 daughters, all of whom attend programs in CESAPU (Centro de Salud Publica AKA Chimuk workshop).

Before Chimuk, Tania was a full time “ama de casa” or housewife. However, she has been knitting ever since she was a little girl, and it has always been a passion of hers. Tania helps to teach new knitting techniques to the other women in the group. She is quite talented specifically in producing children's clothes, little girls' dresses, baby hats & booties!

She is shy, but has an infectious laugh and can stand strong when she needs to. Tania is a fighter and can often be found talking one-on-one with the nutritionist in order to improve the health of her daughters.