
Meet Magaly, one of the newest members of our Chimuk community. Magaly is 40 years old and the mother to 4 kids! She has 2 girls and 2 boys between the ages of 20 - 6!
Magaly learn to knit as a child from her mother and has fond memories knitting with her friends in her highlands hometown of Huamachuco, about 4 hours of Trujillo. She loves the ceviche here on the coast and the fried cuy (guinea pig) of the highlands!
Magaly has a small bodega in her house where she sells fruits, veggies and snacks. She enjoys listening to music and crocheting in her spare time. Magaly has great attention to detail and is currently enjoying learning new techniques like embroidery.
"I love coming to Chimuk as I get to learn new techniques and the wages I earn from Chimuk help me pay for my daughters university studies"