

Noemi is from the highland town of Araqueda, Cajabamba, in Cajamarca, Peru. She was born on February 03, 1990 and has completly secondary school . She has six children.

Noemi has made a living from knitting and from raising "cuys" or guinea pigs, a Peruvian culinary delicacy. She has been knitting for over a dozen years! When she joined Chimuk, she helped raise our quality to a new level with her wide breadth of knowledge & techniques.

When the pandemic hit, Noemi returned to her hometown to live with her 3 youngest children & husband. She has introduced us to her fellow knitters in Araqueda, a poor yet beautiful highland town. We hope one day to include them in our brand.

Noemi states that her best attribute is her responsibility to be able to accomplish tasks, and we agree!